Long Distance Options
Outside the 610-215-302 Area Codes
Carrier Name | Carrier ID Code |
Contact Number |
ACN | 6112 | 1-888-742-0555 |
ALLTEL | 5253 | 1-866-ALLTEL6 |
American Long Lines | 0241 | 1-800-569-8280 |
Americatel | 0123 | 1-800-716-7116 |
ATB (AT&T Large Business) | 0732 | 1-800-222-0400 |
ATX (AT&T Government Offices) | 0387 | 1-800-222-0400 |
AT&T | 0288, 0755 0988 |
Residential 1-800-222-0300 Business 1-800-222-0400 |
ATX Telecom | 0004 | 1-800-220-2892 |
Broadwing Communications | 0948 | 1-800-276-2394 |
Business Telecom,Inc. | 0833 | 1-800-849-9100 |
Capital Telecommunications | 0221 | 1-800-673-2400 |
Capsule Communications | 0200 | 1-800-805-1000 |
Conquest | 0319 | 1-800-627-5609 |
Covista | 0081 | 1-800-805-1000 |
Eastern Telephone | 0054 | 1-800-327-8835 |
Excel | 0752 | Residential 1-800-875-9235 Business 1-800-209-8133 |
Fonica, Inc. | 0740 | 1-866-636-6422 |
Global Crossing – IDT | 0211, 0569 0444 |
Res. 1-800-482-4848 Bus.1-800-466-4600 |
Intermedia, Inc. | 0393 | 1-877-783-7228 |
Lifeline | 0284 | 1-800-493-2002 |
Matrix Telecom | 0780, 0697 | 1-800-282-0242 |
MCI | 0222, 0137 0835, 0888 0555, 0488 0440, 0789 |
Residential 1-800-444-3333 Business 1-800-444-2222 |
Network Plus | 0764 | 1-800-276-2384 |
Onestar | 0873 | 1-800-482-0000 |
Palmerton Long Distance | 0775 | Residential 610-826-7521 Business 610-826-7531 |
PowerNet Globalcom | 0813 | 1-800-576-5244 |
Primus Telecom | 0223, 0848 | 1-888-PRIMUS |
Qwest | 0432, 0358 0462, 0665 0040, 0537 0690, 0757 |
1-800-860-2255 |
RSL Com USA | 0946 | 1-877-RSL-6822 |
SBC Communications | 0372, 5722 5792 |
1-888-832-7228 |
Simflex Communications | 0949 | 1-252-237-2843 |
Sprint | 0333, 0252 0872, 0140 |
Residential 1-800-877-4646 Business 1-888-322-3961 |
Telebeam | 0933 | 1-800-540-5052 EXT 123 |
Telco Communications Dial & Save |
0457 | Residential 1-214-863-8041 |
The Phone Company | 6746, 5453 6678 |
1-800-728-3288 |
UCN,Inc. | 0735 | 1-888-UCN-0002 |
Vartec Long Distance | 0811 | 1-800-583-8811 |
Verizon Long Distance | 0272, 0652 5070, 5483 6963 |
1-800-660-2215 TTY 1-800-974-6006 |
WilTel Communications | 5102 | 1-888-275-9080 |
Working Assets | 0649 | 1-800-227-0298 |
WorldXchange | 0502 | 1-800-569-8700 |
XO Communications | 0909 | 1-866-963-9696 |
Xtel | 0924 | 1-800-438-9835 |
Carrier Name | Carrier ID Code |
Contact Number |
ACN | 6112 | 1-888-742-0555 |
Alltel | 5253 | 1-866-ALLTEL |
AT&T | 0288 | 1-800-222-0300 |
ATX | 0004 | 1-800-220-3892 |
Broadwing Telecommunications | 0071, 0948 | 1-800-276-2394 |
Excel | 0752 | Res. 1-800-875-9235 Bus. 1-800-209-8133 |
Global Grossing | 0444 | Res. 1-800-482-4848 Bus. 1-800-466-4600 |
Lifeline Communications | 0284 | 1-800-493-2002 |
Lightyear Communications, Inc. | 5957 | 1-800-393-7300 |
Matrix Telecom | 0697, 0780 | 1-800-282-0242 |
MCI | 0835,0888 0555, 0488 0826 |
Residential 1-800-444-3333 Business 1-800-444-2222 |
Palmerton Long Distance | 0775 | 610-826-7521 |
Palmerton Telephone Company | 5785 | 610 826-6650 |
Powernet Globalcom | 0813 | 1-800-576-5244 |
Primus Telecom | 0223 | 1-888-PRIMUS |
QWEST | 0432 | 1-800-860-2255 |
Sprint | 0333, 0872 | Residential 1-800-877-4646 Business 1-800-322-3961 |
Transaction Network | 5628 | 1-703-453-8319 |
The Phone Company | 6746 | 1-800-728-3288 |
Vartec Long Distance | 0811 | 1-800-583-8811 |
Verizon Long Distance | 5483 | 1-800-660-2215 TTY 1-800-974-3288 |
Working Assets | 0649 | 1-800-227-4600 |
Zone Telecom | 5014 | 1-866-333-9663 |
NOTE: Not all Long Distance Companies serve all areas. This is a business decision on their part. If you wish to use a Long Distance Company that you do not see on this list, please contact that company and ask them to provide service here. Palmerton Telephone Company’s network is open to all carriers who wish to provide service to our customers in accordance with Equal Access regulations of the Federal Communications Commission and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
Palmerton Telephone Company customers can get regional long distance for just 9 Cents per minute, no matter when you call, anywhere in the Philadelphia LATA. This includes most exchanges in the 610, 215, 267, 302 and 484 areas. See Page 6 of your Palmerton Telephone Company directory for a map showing the Philadelphia region. Call Palmerton Telephone Company today at 610 826-6650 and change to Palmerton Telephone Company for your regional Long Distance calls.